How To Apply For LSETF and Get A loan To Start a Business In Lagos state, Nigeria.

How To Apply For LSETF and Get A loan To Start a Business In Lagos state, Nigeria.
The Lagos state government has ensued a program to encourage and further empower already existing entrepreneurs, fast rising entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs seeking to establish their business enterprise within Lagos state. In order to partake in this great opportunity, the 2nd edition of the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) is open for application which is a platfrom to being a beneficiary of the N25 billion fund set aside by the Lagos State Government to create employment and wealth. Below is a picture of a beneficiary from the 1st Edition of the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSTEF).

Being a Lagos-based entrepreneur is an eligibilty to apply for the LSTEF using the new web portal. But only successful applicants will be given loans ranging from N250,000 – N5 million at an interest rate of 5% per annum for 3 years. wow!!!
PLEASE NOTE: Application for the LSETF can only be successful if you meet Minimum criteria as stated in the link provided below. Kindly register only for the loan-type that is applicable to your business scope or plan. 
To view the LSETF Minimum criteria, 
click this link to  Criterias/Requirement.
To apply, 
click this link Registration here
For more information, 
visit LSETF 2017 INFO.
Peter Odibo

I am full time Facility Manager, Part time blogger, Business man, and web and blog designer. I fancy and write about free mod games, tech tips and so on

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