Tech Support: How To Transfer Whatsapp Messages From Android To Iphone

Method 1. Using Email Chat 
1. Open up whatsApp on your Android set, find the Setting tab and click it to select “Chat Settings” option, then tap on “Email Chat” from the chat history list.
2. Choose one or more whatsApp messages from the display list and a pop-up box will appear informing you that “Attaching Media will generate a larger email message”. You can select “Without Media” or “Attach Media” based on your own need.
3. Now you can input an email account and click Send option.
4. Log in the email account on iPhone to view messages that have been transferred from Android whatsApp account.

How To Transfer Whatsapp Messages From Android To Iphone

Method 2. Using WhatsApp Backup 
1. Go to “Setting > Chats > Chat backup” to backup whatsApp messages on Android phone.
2. Uninstall whatsApp on your android phone and install this app on iPhone.
3. Using the same phone number to sign up for a whatsApp account on iPhone. After registration, you will be promoted that “Message Backup Found”, click “Restore” to transfer the whatsApp data.

How To Transfer Whatsapp Messages From Android To Iphonel
Peter Odibo

I am full time Facility Manager, Part time blogger, Business man, and web and blog designer. I fancy and write about free mod games, tech tips and so on

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